同甘共苦 tónggāngòngkǔ | 同甘同苦 tónggāntóngkǔ

同甘共苦 tónggāngòngkǔ | 同甘同苦 tónggāntóngkǔ

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同甘共苦 | 同甘同苦

tóng gān gòng kǔ | tóng gān tóng kǔ

Literal Meaning 字面意思

Same sweet, same bitter

Definition 定义

Shared delights and common hardships; to share life's joys and sorrows

Similar English Idioms 相似英文习语

Take the bitter with the sweet; in for a penny, in for a pound; through thick and thin; in sickness and in health; go through ups and downs

Example 例句

就算我没钱、没车、没房,还不喜欢洗澡,你还是愿意跟我一起同甘共苦,共度今生吗? Even though I have no money, no car, no house, and don't like to shower, would you be willing to spend the rest of your life with me, in sickness and in health?

Similar 相似词


Opposite 相反词


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双喜临门 shuāngxǐlínmén

左右为难 zuǒyòuwéinán

志同道合 zhìtóngdàohé

依依不舍 yīyībùshě

心如刀割 xīnrúdāogē

无微不至 wúwēibúzhì

同甘共苦 tónggāngòngkǔ | 同甘同苦 tónggāntóngkǔ

情同手足 qíngtóngshǒuzú

路不拾遗 lùbùshíyí

苦口婆心 kǔkǒupóxīn

团团圆圆 tuántuányuányuán

刮目相看 guāmùxiāngkàn

道听途说 dàotīngtúshuō

唇亡齿寒 chúnwángchǐhán

乘风破浪 chéngfēngpòlàng

半途而废 bàntúérfèi

孟母三迁 mèngmǔsānqiān – Chinese Chengyu

一视同仁 yíshìtóngrén

忘恩负义 wàngēnfùyì

守望相助 shǒuwàngxiāngzhù

舍己为人 shějǐwèirén

良药苦口 liángyàokǔkǒu

老马识途 lǎomǎshìtú

爱不释手 àibùshìshǒu

无价之宝 wujiazhibao

同心协力 tóngxīnxiélì

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