by Colin Goh | Aug 17, 2023 | Bilingual, Books, Chinese, Chinese Culture, Chinese Traditions, Creativity, Diversity, Doodle Date, Drawing, Events, Language, Reading
Are You A Chinese Ghost Expert? How Many Do You Know? Have you heard of the Chinese Zombie, also known as 僵尸 (jiāng shī)?Are you aware of the Chinese Mer-people, referred to as 氐人 (Dī rén)?Do you know about the Mountain God of Chaos, known as 帝江 (Dì jiāng or Morris in...
by Colin Goh | May 3, 2023 | Bilingual, App, Blog, Books, Chinese, Comics, Creativity, Dim Sum Warriors, Drawing, Education, Events, Imagination, Language, Parenting
A Special Bilingual Story for Mother’s Day! Moms must have magical powers to be able to do all that you do for the family! Here’s a special bilingual story for Mother’s Day for each mother in the world! Watch/Read it with the family and then discuss:...
by Yen Yen | May 3, 2023 | Bilingual, Blog, Books, Chengyu, Chengyu Blog, Chinese, Chinese Culture, Chinese Traditions, Diversity, Education, Events, Language, Parenting
Chinese Idioms for Mother’s Day Let’s start with a Chengyu about the great Chinese philosopher Mencius’s Mom. 1. 孟母三迁 mèng mǔ sān qiān Literal Meaning: Mencius’ mother moved 3 times Definition: The great efforts mothers make for their kids’...
by Yen Yen | Apr 8, 2023 | Bilingual, App, Blog, Books, Chengyu, Child Development, Chinese, Chinese Culture, Chinese Traditions, Comics, Creativity, Diversity, Drawing, Education, Events, Global Competence, Imagination, Language
April 22nd – Earth Day in Chinese is 地球日. Protecting the earth is something many of us are all still a bit too casual about—we try to do something when we remember and don’t feel too bad when we don’t. This year, our actions on Earth have taken on a new urgency...
by Colin Goh | Aug 18, 2022 | App, Bilingual, Blog, Books, Child Development, Chinese, Comics, Creativity, Diversity, Drawing, Education, Imagination, Language, Parenting
Guest blogger: Lim Swee Pei is a mother of 4 and she is homeschooling her kids in Singapore. She shares her experience with competitive parenting, homeschooling and struggling with Chinese. (Her kids are members of the Dim Sum Warriors Club.) Introduction We have a...
by Woo Yen Yen | Jul 7, 2022 | Bilingual, Blog, Books, Child Development, Chinese, Chinese Culture, Chinese Traditions, Creativity, Diversity, Drawing, Education, Imagination, Language, Parenting
5 Ways NOT to Kill Creativity in Your Kids Ministries of Education all over the world are racing to equip children with competencies that are needed for the 21st century: critical thinking, communicating, collaborating, and inventive or creative thinking. ...