Learning Chinese idioms (成语) can be a fun and meaningful way to understand Chinese language and culture. It is however, not easy for children learning Chinese and English speakers to understand what they mean. And, Chinese idioms dictionaries often have explanations that need explanations themselves.
Not to worry! We have carefully written clear explanations in English for you. We have also added the equivalent English idioms and expressions so it’s super easy to understand! By the end of this blog post, you would have learned one more Chinese idiom!
Let’s dive into the Chinese idiom 不劳而获 (bù láo ér huò)!
Literal Meaning
The literal translation of the Chinese idiom 不劳而获 (bù láo ér huò) in English is “No work, yet profited.”
The Chinese idiom 不劳而获 (bù láo ér huò) is used to describe someone gains something without working for it. It’s often used to criticize the idea of getting something valuable without putting in any work.
Similar English Idioms 相似英文习语
Comparable phrases in English include “something for nothing“, “free ticket“, and “free lunch.“
1. Something for Nothing
Definition: Refers to receiving a benefit, advantage, or material good without offering anything in return or making any effort.
Example: He expected something for nothing when he asked for a raise without improving his performance.
2. Free Ticket
Definition: Literally, it means a complimentary ticket to an event or place, but figuratively, it can refer to gaining access or privilege without effort or cost.
Example: Some people think inheriting a family business is a free ticket to success, but they overlook the effort required to maintain it.
3. Free Lunch
Definition: The saying “There’s no such thing as a free lunch” suggests that nothing truly comes without a cost, even if it’s not immediately obvious. A “free lunch” refers to receiving something without direct payment or effort, but there may be hidden costs or obligations.
Example:The company’s ‘free lunch’ offer of unlimited cloud storage sounded too good to be true—until users realized they had to share their personal data in exchange.
While 不劳而获 is inherently critical or negative, “something for nothing” and “free ticket” can be neutral or sometimes positive.
But overall, learning similar English terms alongside Chinese idioms not only helps kids and Chinese learners deepen their vocabulary in both languages but also builds their cultural awareness and understanding of universal concepts.
This cross-linguistic approach enhances critical thinking, boosts memory retention, and makes the learning process more engaging and relatable. In the end, exploring these parallels offers a fun and effective way to bridge language and culture.
Example 例句
- 如果你是真心诚意想成为 Youtube 网红,你要非常努力且持之以恒,想要不劳而获是不可能的。
(Rúguǒ nǐ shì zhēnxīn chéngyì xiǎng chéngwéi Youtube wǎnghóng, nǐ yào fēicháng nǔlì qiě chízhīyǐhéng, xiǎng yào bùláo’érhuò shì bù kěnéng de.)
If you truly want to be a Youtube star, you must work really hard and persevere. There’s no way to succeed without hard work.
5 - 有些人总想着靠买彩票一夜暴富,但这种不劳而获的想法是不现实的。
(Yǒuxiē rén zǒng xiǎngzhe kào mǎicǎi yīyè bàofù, dàn zhè zhǒng bùláo’érhuò de xiǎngfǎ shì bù xiànshí de.)
Some people always dream of getting rich overnight by buying lottery tickets, but this idea of getting something for nothing is unrealistic.
5 - 在团队合作中,大家都需要付出努力,不能让别人承担工作,而自己却想着不劳而获。
(Zài tuánduì hézuò zhōng, dàjiā dōu xūyào fùchū nǔlì, bùnéng ràng biérén chéngdān gōngzuò, ér zìjǐ què xiǎngzhe bùláo’érhuò.)
In teamwork, everyone needs to put in effort; you can’t let others take on the work while you expect to get something for nothing.
Related Chinese Idioms
To deepen your understanding, here are a few similar idioms 相似词:
- 坐享其成 (zuò xiǎng qí chéng): This idiom describes a situation where someone reaps the benefits of others’ hard work or achievements without contributing any effort themselves.
Example:他没有参与项目的任何部分,却想坐享其成分奖金。(Tā méiyǒu cānyù xiàngmù de rènhé bùfèn, què xiǎng zuò xiǎng qí chéng fèn jiǎngjīn.)
He didn’t participate in any part of the project but wants to sit back and enjoy a share of the bonus.
5 - 不劳而食 (bù láo ér shí): This idiom highlights the act of living off others’ labor or resources without contributing anything in return. It often implies an unethical or lazy attitude.
Example:父母辛苦赚钱养家,但你整天游手好闲,不劳而食,这样对吗?(Fùmǔ xīnkǔ zhuànqián yǎngjiā, dàn nǐ zhěngtiān yóushǒuhàoxián, bùláo ér shí, zhèyàng duì ma?)
Your parents work hard to earn money for the family, but you laze around all day and live off them. Is that right?
And here is a opposing expression 相反词:
- 自食其力 (zì shí qí lì): This idiom describes someone supports themselves through their own labors. It refers to the ability or act of being self-sufficient, relying on one’s own efforts and work to make a living, rather than depending on others. The phrase highlights independence and self-reliance.
Example: 他大学四年都是自食其力,半工半读完成的。(Tā dàxué sì nián dōu shì zìshíqílì, bàn gōng bàn dú wánchéng de.)
He supported himself throughout his four years in college, completing his studies while working part-time.
These terms provide a fuller understanding of the Chinese idiom 不劳而获 (bù láo ér huò) and how to describe the opposite situations.
Learning Activities for Kids
Want to make learning this idiom even more memorable? Here are a few interactive learning activities:
- Watch the Draw-along Chengyu Video featuring Dim Sum Warriors’ cartoonist and teacher. Together, they bring the story of the Chinese idiom 不劳而获 (bù láo ér huò) to life through engaging visuals and interesting background stories. Let’s draw the characters, learn the meanings, and listen to the stories all at once!
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不劳而获 Hero Journey:
Objective: To help kids understand the meaning of the Chinese idiom 不劳而获 (bù láo ér huò) by having them create and share stories where heroes succeed without effort, followed by a reflection on the disadvantages of such success compared to the value of hard work.
- Explain the Chinese idiom 不劳而获 (bù láo ér huò) to the children.
5 - Ask the children to create a hero who defeats monsters, saves a princess, or finds treasure without any effort at all. The hero does not need to work or struggle to achieve their goal.
For example, the hero might accidentally defeat a monster by tripping over it or might find a treasure just by walking around.
5 - After the children finish writing their stories, have them share their stories one by one in front of the group.
5 - After all the children have shared their stories, ask the group some reflective questions:
- “How did it feel listening to a story where the hero achieve everything without any efforts?”
5 - “Would you enjoy reading a story like this?”
5 - “What’s different about a hero who works hard compared to one who doesn’t?”
- “How did it feel listening to a story where the hero achieve everything without any efforts?”
- Summarize the activity by explaining that the Chinese idiom 不劳而获, which might seem appealing at first, but the true value comes from hard work, effort, and perseverance.
Encourage the kids to think about how they can apply this lesson in their own lives, such as in school or when working on a project.
The Chinese idiom 不劳而获 (bù láo ér huò) is a thought-provoking chengyu that teaches us an important life lesson: success cannot be achieved without effort.
This idiom helps us understand that while shortcuts might seem appealing, true growth and reward come through hard work and perseverance.
By learning and using chengyu like 不劳而获 (bù láo ér huò) , children not only improve their language skills but also gain valuable life lessons that can shape their character and approach to challenges.
Learning Chinese chengyu is an enriching experience that goes beyond just language acquisition. It offers children a window into Chinese culture, values, and history while fostering critical thinking.
Each chengyu has a deeper meaning, helping young learners develop moral understanding and a strong work ethic, which are key to succeeding in life.
By incorporating chengyu into their learning journey, kids can grow both linguistically and ethically, preparing them for a well-rounded and meaningful future. Whether through storytelling, discussions, or simple reflection, introducing idioms like 不劳而获 (bù láo ér huò) provides the opportunity to learn not only a language but also valuable life lessons.