Chinese idiom 乘风破浪 (chéng fēng pò làng)

Chinese Idioms With Easy Explanations & Learning Activities:

乘风破浪 (chéng fēng pò làng)

Chinese idiom chengyu 乘风破浪 chéng fēng pò làng chengfengpolang  English meanings definitions expressions Similar Opposite tutoring video

Learning Chinese idioms (成语) can be a fun and meaningful way to understand Chinese language and culture. It is however, not easy for children learning Chinese and English speakers to understand what they mean. And, Chinese idioms dictionaries often have explanations that need explanations themselves.


Not to worry! We have carefully written clear explanations in English for you. We have also added the equivalent English idioms and expressions so it’s super easy to understand! By the end of this blog post, you would have learned one more Chinese idiom!


Let’s dive into the Chinese idiom 乘风破浪 (chéng fēng pò làng) !


Literal Meaning

The literal translation of the Chinese idiom 乘风破浪 (chéng fēng pò làng) in English is “Ride the wind, break the waves.



The Chinese idiom 乘风破浪 (chéng fēng pò làng) is used to describe someone forges ahead bravely, despite the difficulties.



Similar English Idioms 相似英文习语

Comparable phrases in English include press on, stout-hearted, make strides, fight the good fight, never say die, and weather the storm.


1. Press on

Definition: To continue moving forward despite difficulties or obstacles.
Example: They faced difficulties but chose to press on and weather the storm.


2. Stout-hearted

Definition: Brave and determined in the face of challenges.
Example: She faced challenges with a stout-hearted spirit, showing great perseverance.


3. Make strides

Definition: To make significant progress or advancements in a particular area.
Example: With a stout-hearted spirit, they made great strides in technological advancements.


4. Fight the good fight

Definition: To stand up for what is right and persist in efforts despite challenges.
Example: Even when facing challenges, he fought the good fight and stayed true to justice.


5. Never say die

Definition: To never give up, even when things seem impossible.
Example: His belief is to never say die, no matter how tough the challenges.


6. Weather the storm

Definition: To endure and survive through difficult times.
Example: They weathered the storm and successfully rode the waves of crisis.


The English phrases comparable to the Chinese idiom 乘風破浪 (chéng fēng pò làng) each capture a unique aspect of resilience and determination.

Whether it’s pressing on despite challenges, being stout-hearted in the face of adversity, making strides toward progress, or choosing to fight the good fight, these expressions resonate with the spirit of pushing forward with courage and purpose.

Similarly, never say die and weather the storm emphasize enduring hardships and emerging stronger.

While each phrase has its own nuances, they all reflect the indomitable will to persevere, much like the imagery of the Chinese idiom 乘風破浪 (chéng fēng pò làng)—riding the wind and breaking the waves toward success.

This universal spirit of overcoming obstacles unites different languages, reminding us that resilience knows no borders.


Example 例句

  1. 蒙奇·D‧鲁夫船长不畏艰难,乘风破浪前进,只为了找到海贼王的大秘宝。
    (Méng qí·D‧lǔ fū chuán cháng bù wèi jiānnán, chéng fēng pò làng qiánjìn, zhǐ wèile zhǎodào hǎizéiwáng de dà mìbǎo.)
    Captain Monkey D. Luffy forges bravely ahead into turbulent waters, all to find the mysterious treasure of the Pirate King.
  2. 他们面对困难,但仍然选择乘风破浪,坚持向前。
    (Tāmen miàn duì kùnnán, dàn réngrán xuǎnzé chéngfēngpòlàng, jiānchí xiàng qián.)
    They faced difficulties but chose to press on and weather the storm.
  3. 我像是一位舵手,在人生的海洋上,驾着船乘风破浪地驶向不可知的未来。
    (Wǒ xiàng shì yī wèi duòshǒu, zài rénshēng dì hǎiyáng shàng, jiàzhe chuán chéngfēngpòlàng de shǐ xiàng bùkě zhī de wèilái)
    I am like a sailor, navigating the ocean of life, steering my ship to ride the wind and break the waves toward an unknown future.


The Origin Story of 乘風破浪 (chéng fēng pò làng)

Its story comes from the life of 宗悫 (Zōng Què), a brave man from the Song Dynasty.

As a child, Zong Que trained in martial arts, learning swordplay and combat with his father and uncle. One day, his uncle, who was a noble, asked Zong Que about his dreams for the future.

Zong Que confidently replied:
(Wǒ xī wàng chéng cháng fēng, pò wàn lǐ làng)
“I wish to ride the strong wind and break waves over thousands of miles.”

His uncle was impressed and said, “Even if you don’t become wealthy, you will surely bring honor to our family.”

At 14, during his brother’s wedding, thieves snuck into the family’s storage room to steal valuables. When a servant discovered the theft, he rushed to tell everyone, Zong Que then grabbed his sword, and went to face the thieves alone.

The thieves were so scared they dropped the stolen items and ran away. Guests praised his bravery and called him a courageous young man.

When Zong Que grew up, he was appointed as a general. He then used his bravery and intelligence to led his troops to victory.

Through his courage, intelligence, and determination, Zong Que achieved many military successes and was given a noble title. His life fulfilled his childhood ambition:
(chéng cháng fēng, pò wàn lǐ làng)
“Ride the strong wind and break waves over thousands of miles.”

Today, Zong Que’s story and the Chinese idiom 乘风破浪 (chéng fēng pò làng) still inspire people to pursue their goals and overcome challenges with bravery and determination.

You can also watch this video to understand the story visually:


Related Chinese Idioms

To deepen your understanding, here are a few similar idioms 相似词:

  • 披荆斩棘 (pī jīng zhǎn jí): To clear a path by cutting through thorns and brambles; metaphorically, it means overcoming great obstacles with determination and effort.
    Example: 他在创业过程中披荆斩棘,终于取得了成功。


    (Tā zài chuàng yè guò chéng zhōng pī jīng zhǎn jí, zhōng yú qǔ dé le chéng gōng.)

    He overcame countless obstacles in his entrepreneurial journey and finally achieved success.

  • 高歌猛进 (gāo gē měng jìn): To advance boldly and with high spirits, often used to describe rapid progress or success.
    Example: 在团队的共同努力下,公司在市场上高歌猛进。


    (Zài tuán duì de gòng tóng nǔ lì xià, gōng sī zài shì chǎng shàng gāo gē měng jìn)

    With the team’s joint efforts, the company made bold and rapid progress in the market.



And here are a few opposing expressions 相反词:

  • 裹足不前 (guǒ zú bù qián): To hesitate and remain stagnant due to fear or uncertainty, failing to take action.
    Example: 面对风险,有些人选择了裹足不前,错失了宝贵的机会。


    (Miàn duì fēng xiǎn, yǒu xiē rén xuǎn zé le guǒ zú bù qián, cuò shī le bǎo guì de jī huì.)

    Faced with risks, some people hesitated and missed valuable opportunities.

  • 垂头丧气 (chuí tóu sàng qì): To hang one’s head in despair, describing a state of discouragement or dejection after a failure or setback.
    Example: 尽管失败了,他并没有垂头丧气,而是继续努力寻找解决办法。


    (Jìn guǎn shī bài le, tā bìng méi yǒu chuí tóu sàng qì, ér shì jì xù nǔ lì xún zhǎo jiě jué bàn fǎ.)

    Even though he failed, he didn’t hang his head in despair but continued working hard to find a solution.


These terms provide a fuller understanding of the Chinese idiom 乘风破浪 (chéng fēng pò làng) and how to describe the opposite situations.




Learning Activities for Kids

Want to make learning this idiom even more memorable? Here are a few interactive learning activities:

  • Watch the Draw-along Chengyu Video featuring Dim Sum Warriors’ cartoonist and teacher. Together, they bring the story of the Chinese idiom 乘风破浪 (chéng fēng pò làng) to life through engaging visuals and interesting background stories. Let’s draw the characters, learn the meanings, and listen to the stories all at once!


Chinese idiom chengyu 乘风破浪 (chéng fēng pò làng) chengfengpolang  English meanings definitions expressions Similar Opposite tutoring video

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乘风破浪 Hero Journey 4-Panel Comics:

Objective: To make the learning process fun and personal while reinforcing the meaning of the phrase and how it can be applied in real life.

  1. Introduce the Chinese idiom 乘风破浪 (chéng fēng pò làng) and its meaning.
  2. Ask kids to think about a time in their life where they faced a challenge and overcame it.
    • Scene 1: What was the goal (e.g., starting a new project, learning a new skill)?
    • Scene 2: What obstacles did they face along the way?
    • Scene 3: How did they “ride the wind and break the waves / 乘风破浪 (chéng fēng pò làng)” to overcome those obstacles?
    • Scene 4: What happened after they overcame the obstacles?
  3. Make the story into a 4-panel comic.
  4. After completing the story, learners can share their stories in pairs or groups, explaining how they used 乘风破浪 (chéng fēng pò làng) in their own lives.


In this blog post, we’ve explored the powerful Chinese idiom 乘风破浪 (chéng fēng pò làng), which symbolizes determination, resilience, and the courage to overcome obstacles.

By understanding its meaning and examining examples of its use in both Chinese and English, we see how it encourages us to face challenges boldly and keep moving forward, no matter the difficulty.

Whether you’re learning Chinese or simply looking for the similar usages in English, The Chinese idiom 乘风破浪 (chéng fēng pò làng) is more than just a phrase—it’s a reminder to embrace life’s challenges with courage and perseverance, always pushing forward toward a brighter future.

Keep riding the wind and breaking the waves!


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