Learning Chinese idioms (成语) can be a fun and meaningful way to understand Chinese language and culture. It is however, not easy for children learning Chinese and English speakers to understand what they mean. And, Chinese idioms dictionaries often have explanations that need explanations themselves.
Not to worry! We have carefully written clear explanations in English for you. We have also added the equivalent English idioms and expressions so it’s super easy to understand! By the end of this blog post, you would have learned one more Chinese idiom!
Let’s dive into the Chinese idiom 出神入化 (chū shén rù huà) !
Literal Meaning
The literal translation of the Chinese idiom 出神入化 (chū shén rù huà) in English is “to enter the realm of the spirit.”
The Chinese idiom 出神入化 (chū shén rù huà) is used to describe someone reaches a divine state or has a superb and wonderful achievement.
Similar English Idioms 相似英文习语
Comparable phrases in English include “of the gods”, “hit a home run”, “hit it out of the park”, “roaring success”, “big time”, and “in the big leagues.“
1. Of the gods
- Definition: Referring to something so perfect, extraordinary, or powerful that it seems divine or beyond mortal capability.
- Example: The chef’s dessert was of the gods, with flavors that seemed to melt in your mouth.
出神入化 (chū shén rù huà)
2. Hit a home run
- Definition: To achieve something exceptionally well or succeed greatly, especially in a situation where success was highly desired.
- Example: The team hit a home run with their new product launch, receiving rave reviews from customers.
出神入化 (chū shén rù huà)
3. Hit it out of the park
- Definition: To perform exceptionally well or achieve great success in something, usually something challenging or important.
- Example: Her presentation hit it out of the park, impressing both the clients and the board members.
出神入化 (chū shén rù huà)
4. Roaring success
- Definition: A very loud, energetic, or enthusiastic success, often involving great public recognition or attention.
- Example: The concert was a roaring success, with fans cheering all night long.
出神入化 (chū shén rù huà)
5. Big time
- Definition: Referring to the highest level of success, importance, or fame, often in relation to a particular field or activity.
- Example: After years of hard work, he made it big time in the fashion industry
出神入化 (chū shén rù huà)
6. In the big leagues
- Definition: In the highest level or most prestigious group, often referring to a professional field or area of expertise.
- Example: Now that she’s signed with a major publishing house, she’s definitely in the big leagues.
出神入化 (chū shén rù huà)
These English phrases—such as “of the gods,” “hit a home run,” and “in the big leagues“—all capture the essence of extraordinary achievement or mastery.
They align closely with the Chinese idiom 出神入化 (chū shén rù huà), which describes a level of skill or performance that transcends ordinary understanding, almost as if one is in a realm beyond human capacity.
By learning similar English terms alongside Chinese idioms, kids and Chinese learners can not only deepen their vocabulary in both languages but also builds their cultural awareness and understanding of universal concepts.
This cross-linguistic approach enhances critical thinking, boosts memory retention, and makes the learning process more engaging and relatable. In the end, exploring these parallels offers a fun and effective way to bridge language and culture.
Example 例句
- 我妈妈做的梅菜扣肉已经达到出神入化的境界。光是闻到它的香味,就让我感觉好像到了天堂。
(Wǒ māmā zuò de méi cài kòu ròu yǐjīng dádào chūshénrùhuà de jìngjiè. Guāng shì wén dào tā de xiāngwèi, jiù ràng wǒ gǎnjué hǎoxiàng dàole tiāntáng.)
My mother’s braised belly pork with mustard greens has reached the level of ultimate perfection. Just a whiff of it transports me to heaven.
5 - 这位钢琴家的演奏技艺已经达到了出神入化的境界,听他的音乐仿佛进入了另一个世界,令人陶醉。
(Zhè wèi gāngqín jiā de yǎnzòu jìyì yǐjīng dádào le chūshénrùhuà de jìngjiè, tīng tā de yīnyuè fǎngfú jìnrù le lìng yīgè shìjiè, lìng rén táozuì.)
This pianist’s playing has reached the level of ultimate perfection; listening to his music feels like entering another world, intoxicating and captivating.
5 - 他的绘画技巧已经出神入化,每一幅画都充满了生命和灵魂,仿佛画中的人物会跳出来和你交谈。
(Tā de huìhuà jìqiǎo yǐjīng chūshénrùhuà, měi yī fú huà dōu chōngmǎnle shēngmìng hé línghún, fǎngfú huà zhōng de rénwù huì tiàochūlái hé nǐ jiāotán.)
His painting skills have reached the level of ultimate perfection. Every painting is filled with life and soul, as if the figures in the artwork might step out and start a conversation with you.5
Related Chinese Idioms
To deepen your understanding, here are a few similar idioms 相似词:
- 超凡入圣 (chāo fán rù shèng): Describes someone who has reached an extraordinary level of excellence or spiritual achievement, beyond the ordinary and even divine.
Example: 他的武功已经超凡入圣,连所有的高手都自愧不如。
(tā de wǔgōng yǐjīng chāo fán rù shèng, lián suǒyǒu de gāoshǒu dōu zì kuì bù rú.)
His martial arts have reached an extraordinary level, so much so that even the most skilled fighters feel inferior.
5 - 炉火纯青 ( lú huǒ chún qīng): Describes a skill or technique that has been perfected to a high degree, often used to describe mastery that is as flawless as a flame at its peak.
Example: 他的厨艺已经炉火纯青,每道菜都做得完美无瑕。
(tā de chú yì yǐjīng lú huǒ chún qīng, měi dào cài dōu zuò dé wánměi wú xiá.)
His culinary skills have reached perfection, with every dish made flawlessly.
5 - 游刃有余 (yóu rèn yǒu yú): Describes someone who handles a task or problem effortlessly, with skill and ease, as if it were well within their capabilities.
Example: 他解决这个复杂的工程问题游刃有余,几乎没有任何困难。
(tā jiějué zhège fùzá de gōngchéng wèntí yóu rèn yǒu yú, jīhū méiyǒu rènhé kùnán.)
He solved this complicated engineering problem with ease, encountering almost no difficulties.
And here is an opposing expression 相反词:
- 平淡无奇 (píng dàn wú qí): Describes something that is ordinary, unremarkable, or lacking any special qualities; plain or unexceptional.
Example: 这部电影情节平淡无奇,完全没有吸引力。
(zhè bù diànyǐng qíngjié píng dàn wú qí, wánquán méiyǒu xīyǐn lì.)
The plot of this movie is bland and unremarkable, with no appeal whatsoever.
出神入化 (chū shén rù huà)
These terms provide a fuller understanding of the Chinese idiom 出神入化 (chū shén rù huà) and how to describe the opposite situations.
Learning Activities for Kids
Want to make learning this idiom even more memorable? Here are a few interactive learning activities:
- Watch the Draw-along Chengyu Video featuring Dim Sum Warriors’ cartoonist and teacher. Together, they bring the story of the Chinese idiom 出神入化 (chū shén rù huà) to life through engaging visuals and interesting background stories. Let’s draw the characters, learn the meanings, and listen to the stories all at once!
出神入化 (chū shén rù huà)
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The Magic of 出神入化 Translation :
出神入化 (chū shén rù huà)
Objective: To help students understand how the Chinese idiom 出神入化 (chū shén rù huà) relates to the idea of mastering a skill to the point where it becomes almost magical.
By watching a clip from the movie 《出神入化/Now You See Me》, students will identify how the chengyu reflects the actions or themes in the story and discuss why the filmmakers chose this specific phrase for the movie title.
出神入化 (chū shén rù huà)
Step-by-Step Instructions:
1. Briefly introduce the Chinese idiom 出神入化.
2. Introduce the Movie: Mention that there is a movie called 《Now You See Me》, which uses 出神入化 to be its Chinese title.
3. Watch a Movie Clip that demonstrates a magical act, an extraordinary performance, or a skill being perfected.
4. Discussion:
- What did you see in the clip?
- How did the characters perform their magic?
- Do you think their performance was effortless? Why or why not?
- Why do you think the filmmakers chose the Chinese idiom 出神入化 to be its Chinese title?
- Based on the similar words we just learned, can you think of another good Chinese title for the movie?
In this blog post, we’ve explored the magical Chinese idiom 出神入化 (chū shén rù huà), which means achieving a level of mastery so perfect that it seems almost magical or beyond ordinary ability.
By understanding its meaning and examining examples of its use in both Chinese and English, we see that 出神入化 (chū shén rù huà) captures the essence of skill perfected through practice. Through relatable examples and activities, we’ve brought this concept to life.
Whether you’re learning Chinese or simply looking for similar usages in English, the Chinese idiom 出神入化 (chū shén rù huà) is more than just a phrase—it’s a reminder of the importance of keep practicing until you master it.