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chū rén tóu dì

Literal Meaning 字面意思

Above the level of human heads

Definition 定义

To be successful; to perform above the average standard; to be superior to the average person

Similar English Idioms 相似英文习语

Come out on top; get ahead; stand out from the crowd; be a cut above the rest

Example 例句

那位执行长的父母曾教导他如果想要出人头地,就必须努力工作、当个正直的人并要善良对待身边的人。这些都是她成功的秘密。 The CEO's parents taught her that in order to get ahead in life, she has to work hard, live with integrity, and be kind to others. This is the secret to her success.

Similar 相似词


Opposite 相反词


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虎头虎脑 hǔtóuhǔnǎo

虎头蛇尾 hǔtóushéwěi

再接再厉 zàijiēzàilì

一望无际 yíwàngwújì

守株待兔 shǒuzhūdàitù

全心全意 quánxīnquányì

旗开得胜 qíkāidéshèng

目不转睛 mùbùzhuǎnjīng

落花流水 luòhuāliúshuǐ

灵机一动 língjīyídòng

聚精会神 jùjīnghuìshén

出神入化 chūshénrùhuà

不劳而获 bùláoérhuò

不耻下问 bùchǐxiàwèn

半途而废 bàntúérfèi

孟母三迁 mèngmǔsānqiān

蒸蒸日上 zhēngzhēngrìshàng

温故知新 wēngùzhīxīn

事半功倍 shìbàngōngbèi

名落孙山 míngluòsūnshān

不自量力 búzìliànglì

不务正业 búwùzhèngyè

呼风唤雨 hūfēnghuànyǔ

当仁不让 dāngrénbúràng

出人头地 chūréntóudì

百尺竿头 bǎichǐgāntóu

安居乐业 ānjūlèyè

同心协力 tóngxīnxiélì

大公无私 dàgōngwúsī

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