PLUS+ Helpful Tips

Here are some suggestions on how you can make Plus+ productive, meaningful and enjoyable for your kids!

General Principles


Are they into sports? Did they go to the beach? Are they having trouble getting ready for school? Or is there a major festival coming?

Dim Sum Warriors stories cover a range of events (Earth Day, Chinese New Year, the Mid-Autumn Festival, etc) as well as a range of situations (frustration, anxiety, envy, etc).

Pick a theme and story you think will have resonance for your kids.


In fact, plan the schedule together with your kids so they can set their own goals.

Keep to a regular, fixed time.


👪 POWER TIP: Make it part of Family Time!

Drawing together with the kids is really fun for them as well as for you!

Sample Schedules

Here are some suggestions as to how you might plan your kids’ schedules.

They include a mix of reading, drawing along and also Chinese idioms 成语.

Vocabulary Lists

成语 Chinese Idioms

Use the 成语 Chinese idiom cartoon dictionary to see which idiom your kids want to learn.

  • Only Club and Plus+ members get access to the draw-along videos.
  • Only Club members get to join the ‘live’ 成语 draw-alongs.


Vocabulary Check-Ins

We have Vocabulary Lists for each story.

You can also find the Vocabulary Lists in the Members-Only section. Look for this icon:

You can use them before and after the kids read each story, to see how many words the kids have learned.

You can even use the lists for 听写 (Spelling).

Story Levels

The story levels are not strict, and we actually encourage our readers to read across levels.

If you need the levels for planning, the estimated levels are as follows. You can also choose the stories based on themes, events or seasonal festivals.

Click on the table to download a printable pdf list.

Don`t copy text!