back to quiz menu QUIZ Bilingual Comic Jam 03 November 2020 /8 《點心俠》雙語漫畫同樂會小測驗 11月3號 試試看《點心俠》雙語漫畫JAM單字小測驗,內容都來自於11/3活動中教過的喔! The grape and the pear are ____ each other. racing race raced The carrot is ____ down the tree. chop chopped chopping Broccoli is _____ soccer. play playing played The mango ____ a video game yesterday. playing play played Shaomai has to ____ forward to balance. leaning leaned lean Shaomai is ______ ahead. looked look looking Shaomai has already ______. jumped jumping jump The apple ____ a beautiful song an hour ago. sing sang singing Your score is 0% Restart quiz