The new year is coming. Have you made your New Year’s Resolutions?
We’ve found that in Taiwan, “跨年” (kuà nián) or “stepping into the new year” marks an especially important moment to properly ensure a good beginning for the year. In some elementary schools, the teachers even set up a stool for students to step across and say their goals for the new year.
Here are the common Taiwanese new year traditions in Chinese. Read till and you will see a list of useful words to help children make their resolutions in Chinese!
How Taiwanese people welcome the New Year
Did you know that being outdoors is a big part of welcoming the New Year in Taiwan?
- 跨年演唱会(Kuà Nián Yǎn Chàng Huì)New Year’s Eve Concert:
- The New Year’s Eve concert is held in various locations, featuring performances by popular artists and musicians. Taiwanese people attend the concert with their favorite singers and count down with them.
- Read more at: Taipei New Year’s Eve Party – Yahoo News!
- 跨年烟火秀 (Kuà Nián Yān Huǒ Xiù)New Year’s Eve Fireworks Display:
- a spectacular fireworks show that takes place on New Year’s Eve. Cities often organize large-scale displays, and compete to see who can perform the longest fireworks display.
- Read more at: New Year’s Eve fireworks show in New Taipei | Taiwan News
- 迎曙光(Yíng Shǔ Guāng)Welcoming the First Sunrise:
- Many Taiwanese go camping outdoors to see the first sunrise of the year. The most popular spot is the northeastern tip of Taiwan and the eastern islands as they are the first places in Taiwan to get a view of the first sunrise.
- Read more at: CWA maps first places in Taiwan to see 2024 sun – Taipei Times
- 跨年升旗典礼(Kuà Nián Shēng Qí Diǎn Lǐ)New Year’s Day National Flag Raising Ceremony:
- a formal ceremony of raising the national flag at the beginning of the new year, which is usually held in front of the Presidential Office Building in Taipei.
- See how it was held last year: New Year’s Day flag raising ceremonies in Taiwan
What are common resolutions Taiwanese make?
Taiwanese people, like many people around the world, often make New Year’s Resolutions as a way to set goals and aspirations for the upcoming year. These are common resolutions for young people in Taiwan:
- 身体健康(shēn tǐ jiàn kāng )Be healthy
- 減肥(jiǎn féi)Lose Weight
- 多运动(duō yùn dòng)Exercise More
- 培养新兴趣(péi yǎng xīn xīng qù)Cultivate New Hobbies
- 养成良好财务规划|養成良好財務規劃(yǎng chéng Liáng hǎo cái wù guī huà)Develop Good Financial Planning
- 考证照(kǎo zhèng zhào)Obtain Certifications
- 多看书(duō kàn shū)Read More Books
And many of these resolutions will stick around to be re-made the following year!
Kids Can Make Their Own New Year’s Resolutions in Chinese!
Let’s make your own New Year’s Resolutions in Chinese! Let’s start with the words we may need:
Essential Words
- 我(Wǒ)I
- 要(Yào)will
Words for Possible Goals
- 长高(zhǎng gāo)Be taller
- 公分(gōng fēn)Centimeters
- 朋友(péng yǒu)Griends
- 帮助(bāng zhù)Help
- 玩(wán)Play
- 用功(yòng gōng )Study hard
- 读书(dú shū)Read book
- 学(xué) Learn
- 语言(yǔ yán)Language
- 上床(shàng chuáng)Get to bed
- 准时(zhǔn shí)On time
- 保持(bǎo chí)Keep
- 整洁(zhěng jié)Tidy
- 每天(měi tiān)Every day
- 每周(měi zhōu)Every week
- 每个月(měi ge yuè)Every month
And combine the words into sentences like this:
I will read a new book every month.
You can also watch the short tutorial video from our Instagram page!
Help your kids to write down their resolutions and stick them on the wall for the upcoming 2024!
Happy New Year! 新年快乐!