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mèng mǔ sān qiān

Literal Meaning 字面意思

Mencius' mother moved 3 times

Definition 定义

The great efforts mothers make for their kids’ welfare

Similar English Idioms 相似英文习语

Go the extra mile; move mountains; move heaven and earth; pull out all the stops; leave no stone unturned

Example 例句

很多妈妈为了让孩子可以花更多时间在学习上,搬到离学校更近的地方,可真算是有「孟母三迁」的精神啊! Many mothers move their families closer to their children's schools so that the kids can spend more time on schoolwork instead of commuting. This is a mother's sacrifice!

Similar 相似词


Opposite 相反词


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饮水思源 yǐnshuǐsīyuán

干干净净 gāngānjìngjìng

火冒三丈 huǒmàosānzhàng

虎头蛇尾 hǔtóushéwěi

再接再厉 zàijiēzàilì

依依不舍 yīyībùshě

一望无际 yíwàngwújì

无微不至 wúwēibúzhì

万紫千红 wànzǐqiānhóng

同甘共苦 tónggāngòngkǔ | 同甘同苦 tónggāntóngkǔ

守株待兔 shǒuzhūdàitù

全心全意 quánxīnquányì

情同手足 qíngtóngshǒuzú

千姿百态 qiānzībǎitài

目空一切 mùkōngyíqiè

目不转睛 mùbùzhuǎnjīng

灵机一动 língjīyídòng

苦口婆心 kǔkǒupóxīn

聚精会神 jùjīnghuìshén

团团圆圆 tuántuányuányuán

不劳而获 bùláoérhuò

不耻下问 bùchǐxiàwèn

半途而废 bàntúérfèi

乱七八糟 luàn qī bā zāo | 污七八糟 wūqībāzāo

孟母三迁 mèngmǔsānqiān

一言为定 yìyánwéidìng

蒸蒸日上 zhēngzhēngrìshàng

以身作则 yǐshēnzuòzé

一视同仁 yíshìtóngrén

一举两得 yìjǔliǎngdé

七嘴八舌 qīzuǐbāshé

温故知新 wēngùzhīxīn

忘恩负义 wàngēnfùyì

事半功倍 shìbàngōngbèi

舍己为人 shějǐwèirén

千方百计 qiānfāngbǎijì

名落孙山 míngluòsūnshān

良药苦口 liángyàokǔkǒu

家喻户晓 jiāyùhùxiǎo

不务正业 búwùzhèngyè

出人头地 chūréntóudì

安居乐业 ānjūlèyè

落叶归根 luòyèguīgēn

爱不释手 àibùshìshǒu

一石二鸟 yìshíèrniǎo


同心协力 tóngxīnxiélì

三思而行 sànsīérxíng

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